Sunday, August 11, 2013

Baptism at The Comma Cafe today! Why We do it!!! How about you???

Today we baptized a dear lady that is moving out of Hong Kong this week.  She wanted to be baptized and we said we would do it at The Comma Cafe. You can go to my youtube site and watch the video if you like:

Why do I baptize people in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit at The Comma Cafe?

1) I believe that we are saved through faith in JESUS CHRIST.  See Romans 10:9-10

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

2) If you look Romans 10:9-10, we can see that verse 9 can be read as saying that salvation only occurs through confession that 'Jesus is Lord' and then believing in the heart.

However, verse 10 clarifies this idea by changing the order to the proper process, which I believe is that salvation occurs when you believe and are justified by God!  Confession (publicly and privately) are the results of the Good News of God coming into you and changing your life!!!

3) Baptism, I believe, should be done immediately after a person believes and is saved.  Public confession and the act of Baptism will help someone to start the road or journey with God; instead, of them thinking that they made a rash decision and try to walk away from salvation.

 Here are some local churches in Hong Kong and what they believe about Baptism:

Island ECC  from
Baptism is a public declaration of private faith.

St. Andrews Church  from

What is Baptism?

Baptism is a public declaration of a person’s acceptance of the gospel and their faith in Jesus Christ. Traditionally, it also marks a person joining the church.

Why get baptized?

We get baptized because of the example of Jesus (Matt. 3:15) and his disciples (Acts 8:38), but also in obedience to Jesus' (Matt. 28:19). Baptism is a declaration of the gospel, in which we remember that Jesus' death on our behalf washes away our sins and makes us clean before God.
Our ministry at St Andrew's is to bring people to faith in Jesus. Hence, we encourage all who have come to faith to declare it publicly through baptism.
Baptism is normally administered during a Sunday service (sprinkling or full immersion). It is an occasion where the congregation can welcome new members, be reminded of their own profession of faith, and celebrate together the saving work of the Cross.
What do I think happens after a person is Baptized?

I believe that Holy Spirit has regenerated our spirit when we become saved.  Therefore, we have the full power of God within us from day one.  But as new Christians we don't know who we are in JESUS CHRIST and we need to be discipled and learn who we are!

So...what happens after Baptism is that we learn that we are a Christian and JESUS will be faithful to us all of our days and keep us in the Faith! (More about this is later blogs). AND we will go and make Disciples and all the signs of JESUS will follow us in all we do.

We just have to learn who we are in JESUS. We do that by reading the Bible, praying and learning from mentors JESUS' ways and as we learn our minds will be renewed:

Romans 12: 2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Feel free to email me:

One of my friends was baptized immediately at Lower Cheung Sha Beach.

Another friend had to go to classes for 6 months to wait for their Baptism.

God had them in different places but they are both saved today!

Let's not fight over Baptism and other things.  We have different views and different opinions, but we are ONE BODY of JESUS Christ and JESUS commands us to love another and help each other out!

I will help you any way I can!

God Bless You!!!

Pastor Ken Harley :-)

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